Children get to explore the treasures of the natural and cultural world of Brdo Park. They get to observe different types of landscape, native tree species and a few exotic specimens from other continents, animals residing in Brdo Park, as well as bits and pieces of the area’s cultural heritage (the pavilion with frescos and a rich interior, the beehive, and the double hayracks).
The programme allows the children to get to know the natural and cultural heritage of Brdo Park, and encourages them to observe and explore other places on their own.
The programme is suitable for:
→ kindergartens
→ first six grades of elementary school
Group size: 20–50 children
Duration: 45–90 minutes
→ €2 per child (kindergarten)
→ €4 per student (school)
Information and booking:
Brdo Park Reception
T: 00 386 (0)4 260 10 00
E: park@brdo.si
The programme is carried out almost entirely in the supervised section of Brdo Estate (around 400 ha) which serves as a large outdoor classroom. There are two paths to choose from (wooded trail or waterway trail), but they can be combined for the older students.
The wooded trail takes students on a journey from the times when nature and man coexisted in harmony to the way the woods influence the appearance of the landscape today. On the waterway trail, they get to learn about different water bodies, about life in and by the water and about interesting water structures.
The programme is suitable for smaller groups. The tour can be done by foot, bicycle or bus.
The programme is suitable for:
→ first six grades of elementary school
Group size: 20–50 children
Duration: 120–240 minutes
→ €4 per student
Information and booking:
Brdo Park Reception
T: 00 386 (0)4 260 10 00
E: park@brdo.si
Taking a short walk through the park, the guide tells the children about life in the past and mentions some interesting details as an introduction to the games they will later play. After the tour, the children are divided into several smaller groups which then face off in fun and educational challenges related to the estate (getting to know Lipizzaner horses, searching for the hidden treasure, playing simple games).
The programme teaches children how to approach an animal and encourages them in improving their skills, thinking abilities and cooperation with their teammates.
The programme is suitable for:
→ kindergartens
→ first three grades of elementary school
Group size: 30–50 children
Duration: 120–180 minutes
→ €4 per child
Information and booking:
Brdo Park Reception
T: 00 386 (0)4 260 10 00
E: park@brdo.si
The children are first taken on a shorter walk around the park where they get to explore nature and some of its inhabitants. The guide’s story then leads them into the world of Brdo heroes, who have been woven into thematic fairy tales by Tadeja Podbregar and Neža Rozman especially for Brdo Estate. Listening to the fairy tales, children learn about the animals residing on the estate. Through the heroes’ adventures, they learn about the importance of taking care of nature, humility, friendship, and honesty.
Through fairy tales and conversation, the programme teaches children responsibility in their attitude towards nature and fellow human beings in a way that is easy to understand.
The programme is suitable for:
→ kindergartens
Group size: 30–50 children
Duration: 90 minutes
→ €2 per child
Information and booking:
Brdo Park Reception
T: 00 386 (0)4 260 10 00
E: park@brdo.si
Brdo Estate is home to the first Renaissance manor in the region. In the 16th century, a Protestant preacher resided there and gifted the manor’s owners a treasured copy of Dalmatin’s Bible.
In the 18th century, the first botanical garden in Carniola and a lavish baroque park emerged. Through the decades, facilities were built at the estate, and precious handicraft and art specimens were collected. By taking on protocol events, Brdo finally assumed its most noble role.
Through the programme, participants learn about the various activities of JGZ Brdo and its rich natural and cultural heritage.
The programme is suitable for:
→ last three grades of primary school
→ high schools
Group size: 20–50 children
Duration: 45–60 minutes
→ €4 per student
Information and booking:
Brdo Park Reception
T: 00 386 (0)4 260 10 00
E: park@brdo.si
Providing expert assistance in organising protocol events has been JGZ Brdo’s primary task for 30 years.
In collaboration with other specialist services, the events are held at various JGZ Brdo facilities, which has made it possible for staff to gain copious hands-on experience.
A brief presentation of protocol practices at Brdo is followed by a guided tour of the park, with special attention reserved for the introduction of facilities and activities connected to the execution of protocol events.
Through the programme, students get to familiarise themselves with the main elements of protocol events, ways of presenting Slovenia in the world, and the formal occasions etiquette.
The programme is suitable for:
→ kindergartens
Group size: 30–50 children
Duration: 90 minutes
→ €2 per child
Information and booking:
Brdo Park Reception
T: 00 386 (0)4 260 10 00
E: park@brdo.si
When arranged beforehand, students can also participate in the following activities:
→ forestry,
→ agriculture,
→ park maintenance,
→ floristry,
→ fish smoking,
→ catering,
→ congressional tourism,
→ active protocol learning experience.
Information and booking:
Brdo Park Reception
T: 00 386 (0)4 260 10 00
E: park@brdo.si