Brdo Estate

Brdo pri Kranju covers almost 500 ha of fenced estate, where the highest representatives of the Republic of Slovenia host top-level state officials during protocol visits.

Join a team trained to perform protocol and market services at the highest level. #BRDOTEAM



The estate is open to all visitors who appreciate the unspoiled nature, cultural heritage and high level of service.

Brdo’s estate can boast rich, more than 500-year history. On the estate, the Renaissance Brdo Castle, the beginnings of which reach the 15th century, and in which many noble family lives over the centuries.

The entire Brdo estate extends in two enclosures: Grajski Park Brdo to 70 ha and closed forest work, where a natural animal reserve is in almost 430 ha.

The whole estate is declared a cultural monument of national importance and a natural value of national importance, due to the row and habitat diversity, as well as for the forest with a special purpose, an ecologically important area and a protected Natura 2000 area.


Brdo Estate is located right next to the village Predoslje, near the Gorenjska highway.

Predoslje 39, 4000 Kranj

T: 00 386 (0)4 260 12 00

Objects Acommodations

5th lake cabin

A unique cabin by the fifth lake
in the closed off part of the Brdo Estate.

Zois Café

Dear guests, we would like to inform you that we closed the doors of our café on Monday, June 21, 2021.

You are cordially invited to the new terrace in Elegans Hotel Brdo.

Brdo Park

Thanks to more than 500 years of continuous development today Brdo is an exceptional place for historical, cultural, architectural and natural learning.

Brdo Castle

Brdo Castle, the first Renaissance castle in Carniola, has recently celebrated half a millennia of existence. During this time, history has weaved many stories within its walls.

A comfortable stay in Elegans Hotel Brdo

Brdo Elegans Hotel with 123 rooms lies in the heart of the wonderful Brdo Estate, which is part of the Natura 2000 area. Guests get to wake up to views of nature and enjoy the unique furniture adorning the interior of the hotel.
Objects Acommodations

5th lake cabin

A unique cabin by the fifth lake
in the closed off part of the Brdo Estate.

A Night in Brdo Wild

A unique stay in a cabin in the Brdo forest with breakfast of homemade and local delicacies.

Price: € 750

Picnic Basket

A culinary experience with Okusi Brda (Tastes of Brdo) and local goods in the wonderful nature of Brdo Park.

Carriage Rides

Explore Brdo Park on an elegant carriage that will make you feel like a distinguished guest on a protocol visit. Our carriages are of historical value and are able to carry up to five adult passengers.

Experiences with Horses

Brdo is home to 12 Lipizzaner horses. These noble horses are renowned for their elegance, docility, stamina and power.
Get to know their world through our equestrian programmes.

Observing Wildlife

In the closed off section of Brdo Estate, individual and group tours for observing and photographing wildlife are organised.

Annual Brdo Park Pass

Each season brings along a different Brdo Park. Make sure to get an annual pass and visit the park more often. The ticket is valid for 365 days.

Brdo Golf

Elegans hotel Brdo· Brdo
Welcome to the golf course nested at the foot of Kamnik-Savinja Alps, where you get to enjoy the peaceful natural surroundings and take in plenty of fresh air.

Horseback Riding

Elegans hotel Brdo· Brdo
The programme is intended for anyone with trail riding experience. The rider’s skills are tested beforehand.

Observing Wildlife

If you are an early riser and do not mind waiting patiently, hidden in the bushes, you will be rewarded with an amazing view of wildlife up close. You are free to take photographs.

Take a Bike Ride by the Brdo Lakes

A relaxing activity by the lakes in the wonderful nature of Brdo Park.

Brdo Congress Centre

A modern glass structure with around 9.000 m2 of use-surface offers options for the organisation of many different events.
Halls MICE

Elegans Hall

Elegans hotel Brdo
On the 1st floor of the Elegans Hotel Brdo, there is a hall that can seat up to 65 people. It includes access to the terrace and a view of the park and is therefore an exclusive venue for congress meetings.
Halls MICE

Conference room

Elegans hotel Brdo· Brdo
Conference room at the Elegans Hotel Brdo is used for holding shorter meetings.

Brdo Estate

Civil ceremony, wedding celebration or the whole wedding day spent on Brdo – the Domain of Delights. You can get married in all seasons, each of them has its own charm.
Weddings Catering

Wedding Cuisine

JGZ Brdo is renowned for its attractive culinary offer, prepared with great care by a group of top-level chefs.

Wedding Photography

Wedding photoshoots at Brdo Estate are also possible for couples whose wedding service or celebration is not held at Brdo.
Weddings Catering

Wedding Cuisine

JGZ Brdo is renowned for its attractive culinary offer, prepared with great care by a group of top-level chefs.

The Elegans Hotel Brdo Restaurant

Elegans hotel Brdo· Brdo
Visit us and treat yourself to an exceptional culinary experience. The offer is local, organic and home-made. We collaborate with surrounding farms but also work to create our own, house products. We await you with a variety of experiences for all ages and accommodation at the highest level of comfort.

Koledar dogodkov


Vaše zdravje je naša prioriteta.

Vaše počutje je naša prednostna naloga, zato Vam v času epidemije nudimo koristne informacije in priporočila za brezskrbno preživljanje dopusta. Obenem Vam svetujemo, da redno spremljate novosti v zvezi s trenutno situacijo in dosledno upoštevate varnostne smernice na aktualnih spletnih straneh.

V Sloveniji je od 15. junija 2021 razglašen konec epidemije, kljub ugodnejši epidemiološki sliki pa določeni ukrepi še vedno ostajajo v veljavi:

Pogoj PCT morajo izpolnjevati tako ponudniki kot gostje:

  • znotraj gostinskih objektov,
  • v vseh turističnih namestitvah (hotelih, apartmajih, vilah),
  • na vseh kulturnih in športnih prireditvah,
  • na javnih shodih in dogodkih z nad 100 udeleženci,
  • pri kongresni dejavnosti.


Pogoj PCT ni obvezen za otroke do 18. leta starosti (v primeru kulturne ali športne prireditve za otroke do 15. leta starosti), ki so v spremstvu ožjih družinskih članov ali skrbnikov.

  • Nošenje zaščitne maske ob izpolnjevanju pogojev PCT ni več obvezno za:
  • goste znotraj gostinskih lokalov,
  • goste v nastanitvenih obratih,
  • udeležence kongresnih srečanj v notranjih prostorih,
  • obiskovalce kulturnih prireditev ter
  • gledalce na športnih dogodkih.


V ostalih primerih je uporaba zaščitne maske v zaprtih javnih prostorih še vedno obvezna. Na prostem je treba upoštevati medosebno razdaljo 1,5 metra. V kolikor to ni mogoče, je obvezna uporaba zaščitne maske.


Omogočena je polna zasedenost kapacitet za:

  • kulturne prireditve,
  • športne dogodke,
  • kongresne dejavnosti.



Vstop v Slovenijo je brez napotitve v karanteno dovoljen osebi, ki predloži enega od naslednjih dokumentov:

  • negativen rezultat PCR na COVID-19, ki ni starejši od 72 ur od dneva odvzema brisa,
  • negativen rezultat testa HAG, ki ni starejši od 48 ur od odvzema brisa,
  • potrdilo o prebolelosti – dokazilo o pozitivnem rezultatu testa PCR, ki je starejši od 10 dni, vendar ni starejši od 6 mesecev, ali potrdilo zdravnika o prebolelem COVID-19, ki od začetka simptomov ni minilo več kot 6 mesecev.
  • potrdilo o cepljenju zoper COVID-19, s katerim se dokazuje, da je preteklo od prejema:
    – drugega odmerka cepiva Comirnaty proizvajalca Biontech/Pfizer najmanj sedem dni,
    – drugega odmerka cepiva COVID-19 Vaccine proizvajalca Moderna najmanj 14 dni,
    – prvega odmerka cepiva Vaxzevria (COVID-19 Vaccine) proizvajalca AstraZeneca najmanj 21 dni,
    – prvega odmerka cepiva COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen proizvajalca Johnson in Johnson/Janssen-Cilag najmanj 14 dni,
    – prvega odmerka cepiva Covishield proizvajalca Serum Institute of India/AstraZeneca najmanj 21 dni,
    – drugega odmerka cepiva Sputnik V proizvajalca Russia’s Gamaleya National Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology najmanj 14 dni,
    – drugega odmerka cepiva CoronaVac proizvajalca Sinovac Biotech najmanj 14 dni ali
    – drugega odmerka cepiva COVID-19 Vaccine proizvajalca Sinopharm najmanj 14 dni.
  • Evropsko digitalno covid potrdilo v digitalni ali fizični obliki, ki vsebuje podatke o negativnem rezultatu testa PCR ali testa HAG, potrdilo o prebolelosti, potrdilo o cepljenju ali potrdilo o cepljenju za prebolevnike (EU DCP),
  • digitalno covid potrdilo tretje države v digitalni ali fizični obliki, ki vsebuje vsaj enake podatke kot EU DCP in ga je pistojni zdravstveni organ tretje države izdal v angleškem jeziku.



Če oseba ne predloži nobenega od navedenih dokumentov, je zanjo obvezna 10-dnevna karantena. Če gre za tujega državljana brez stalnega prebivališča v Sloveniji, se ga napoti v 10-dnevno karanteno le pod pogojem, da ima zagotovljen prostor prestajanja karantene. V nasprotnem primeru se mu vstop v Slovenijo prepove.
Prestajanje karantene pod nobenim pogojem ni mogoče v turističnih nastanitvah.



K uspešni zajezitvi širjenja bolezni pripomore odgovorno vedenje do sebe in drugih, kar pomeni, da dosledno izvajamo sledeče preventivne ukrepe:

  • omejeno gibanje in zadrževanje gostov na recepciji,
  • ohranjanje varnostne razdalje na prostoru okrog recepcije,
  • dostopnost zaščitnih mask, razkužil in rokavic,
  • razpoložljivost sredstev za razkuževanje rok pri vhodu v objekt ali v preddverju,
  • obvezna uporaba zaščitne maske znotraj gostilniških obratov,
  • razpored miz, ki omogočajo varno razdaljo med gosti,
  • razkuževanje miz, jedilnih listov, cenikov in vseh ostalih predmetov na mizi ter zamenjava pogrinjka za vsakim gostom,
  • dostopnost informacij za goste o novih postopkih čiščenja sob in zamenjavi posteljnine,
  • dostopnost priporočil za pravilno umivanje rok na javnih straniščih,
  • priprava dvoran in prostorov za kongrese v skladu z aktualnimi priporočili za javno zdravje z dvometrsko razdaljo med stoli,
  • največje število udeležencev v skladu z odločitvijo nacionalnega štaba.


Ekipa Brdo Vam želi varno, zdravo in prijetno letovanje.

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